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Middlesex University Information and Communication Technology Questions

Chapter 17 – According to Trutnev, Vidyasova, and Chugunov (2015), informational and analytical activities and forecasting for the process of socioeconomic development should be an important element of all levels of governmental administration. The development of methods and tools to support government decision-making on the basis of the analysis of information has a long history and their use has traditionally been included as a component of national development programmes to include the development of the information society in Russia, and its regions, particularly – Saint Petersburg.

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Q1: There were five sections identified in the chapter case study and they walked us through each one explaining what happened in each. What were these five sections? Identify and name them, and provide a brief statement about each section?

Chapter 18/19 – The digital divide remains formidable in scaling information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled opportunities for effective leadership and development in countries lagging behind, (Ahmed, 2015). Based on the case study, the authors reminded us that, the practice of e-Participation provides an avenue for adaptation, application, and utilization of ICT as a subset of e-Commerce, in the realm of e-Democracy and, it is a concept needed to bridge the existing digital gap within and across countries in a global context.

Q2: From the chapter, we learned that as the world moves at a faster and voluminous pace, there is need to acquire technology and the skill to use it, as is increasing at the rate beyond those societies that are unable to remedy their inadequacies. However, the challenges to meet this pressure could be enormous, but not insurmountable, and the means to address such challenges are abundantly available in ICT-supported processes like e-Participation. From this context, what is the functional role of the ICT?

NOTE: Please follow the below text book to answer the questions.


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