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Nursing Essay 2 pages

****Attention, this is a narrative kind of detailed paper based on a new change project we want to conceive at a ICU to prevent infection on patients with CVC’s PICC and Foleys. The project is basically to educate nurses and physicians with CHG bath to create awareness that this intervention can decrease the incidence of CLABSI’s. ******

With this in mind you can proceed with the below instructions

Develop your project aims, values, and desired outcomes portion of your paper using a clinical microsystem approach. Describe the project aim: The project aim should include examples of features and functions that will occur as a result of implementing your change project. Describe the project value: The value should describe the benefits of the change project implementation to the stakeholders, the organization, and the nursing profession. Describe the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose, quality focus, and viewpoint of the project as well as its expected accomplishments. A project goal should reference the project’s business benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address individual and family healthcare needs or changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or institutions. Goals and objectives should be measurable, shared, and agreed on by all key stakeholders. They are directly linked to the concept of project success factors.

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