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SOC120 Cuyamaca College You May Ask Your Self Book Final Exam Study Guide

Final Exam Study Guide
Your Final Exam is mandatory. The final exam will include 25 points from Ch. 9: Race (study guide for Ch. 9 is on Canvas) and 25 points from the remaining chapters we covered this semester. You can use your study guide notes on the final exam, but they must be handwritten
Chapter 1

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: sociological imagination, social institution
  2. Be able to explain W. E. B. Du Bois’s concept of double consciousness and to identify examples.
  3. What is functionalism? How do functionalists view society and how they explain social phenomena? Who is considered the “founding father” of functionalism?
  4. What is conflict theory? What do conflict theorists emphasize in society? How do conflict theorists explain social phenomena? Who is considered the “founding father” of conflict theory?
  5. What is symbolic interactionism? What do symbolic interactionists study? Who is considered its “founding father”?

Chapter 2: Methods

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: research methods, correlation, causality, participant observation, population, sample, interviews, surveys, historical methods, content analysis, experimental methods
  2. What are the 2 general categories of methods for gathering sociological data? Which of these 2 describes behavior and focuses on meanings people make? Which of these 2 converts data into numeric form?
  3. What three factors are needed in order to establish causality?

Chapter 3: Culture

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  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: culture, ethnocentrism, nonmaterial culture, material culture, cultural relativism, subculture, values, norms, media
  2. What are the two main categories of culture?
  3. What is the name of the man who came up with the concept of hegemony? To which ‘founding father’ of sociology are his ideas most closely related? What is hegemony?

Chapter 4: Socialization & The Construction of Reality

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: socialization, status, ascribed status, achieved status, role, social construction of reality, dramaturgical theory
  2. According to sociologists, when does socialization of a child begin? Also, what are the agents of socialization?
  3. What does it mean to say something is socially constructed? Does saying something is socially constructed mean that it’s not important or not real?
  4. Be able to define & identify examples of the following as they apply to Goffman’s dramaturgical theory: impression management, part, script, set, costume, front stage, back stage, breach
  5. With regards to C.J. Pascoe’s research: What were her findings with regards to gender & sexuality? What is the “fag discourse”* that she identifies and how does it work/operate? *Know that the term “fag discourse” employs a word that is incredibly offensive and should not be used casually or against any person or group (C.J. Pascoe uses the term in a critical way).

Chapter 7: Stratification

  1. What is stratification?
  2. What is capitalism? Know the 3 components of capitalism (from lecture, based on the definition of capitalism).
  3. How did Karl Marx define class? What does it mean to say that classes have opposing interests? According to Marx, who are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? Which owns capital (i.e, which is the capitalist class), which is the employing class, which is the working class & which sells their labor for wages? What is exploitation according to Marx (note: discussed in lecture). How is exploitation a central aspect of Marx’s class analysis?
  4. What is income? What is wealth?

Chapter 14: Capitalism & the Economy

  1. According to Karl Marx, what is alienation? What did Marx believe would happen to capitalism, and how so?
  2. What is feudalism?

Chapter 8: Gender & Sexuality

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: sex, sexuality, gender, gender roles, patriarchy, sexism, sexual harassment, glass ceiling, glass escalator
  2. What is feminism’s underlying belief regarding women, men, opportunities and respect?
  3. Does the concept of sex refer to biological or social characteristics? How about gender?
  4. How have idealized standards for femininity and idealized standards of masculinity changed over time? Does this make sociologists view gender and gender roles as a social construction or as a biological given?
  5. How have women’s roles changed with regards to work and family? Have men’s roles changed in the same way? How or how not?
  6. What does sexual harassment include? Is sexual harassment legal?

Chapter 9: Race
Please see the study guide for Chapter 9 on Canvas
Possible Short-Answer Question
Note that multiple-choice questions may also be based on the following:
Describe in your own words what the sociological imagination is. Then, consider the following quote and answer the questions that follow:
The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society” (C. Wright Mills in p. 5 of your textbook).

  1. Explain what C. Wright Mills means by “biography” and what he means by “history.”
  2. What does Mills mean that “history” and “biography” are related?
  3. Consider all that we have learned and discussed in the course. Choose one example concept, theory, term, or any other social phenomenon we learned in the course, and use it to demonstrate the sociological imagination. Specifically, explain how it exemplifies “biography”, how it exemplifies “history” and how it exemplifies the relation between history and biography.

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