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The Family Genogram

Question Description

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Pay particular attention to the information about assessment tools and the suggestions for constructing a genogram.
  • Consider the scope of each of the systems theory terms that are discussed.
  • Reflect on the tactics and patterns of family processes as well as on the effectiveness of the various techniques that each of the specified systems theories offers for combating these patterns.
  • Consider how genograms might be used in a counseling session.
  • Consider how developmental issues in the intergenerational family may be reflected in a family genogram.
  • Consider how you might express the dynamics of your own family of origin in genogram format. Also consider how an understanding of these dynamics might have an impact on your role as a counselor. (Note:You may evaluate your family of choice if you do not have enough information about your family of origin.)

The assignment: (1–2 pages)

  • Construct a genogram for your family of origin (or family of choice if you do not have enough information about your family of origin).
  • Summarize the genogram you created by describing the roles and patterns that emerge in it, using concepts from the systems theories that are discussed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Explain how you believe genograms may be useful in couples and family counseling.
  • Briefly explain how your understanding of your own personal genogram might impact your work as a counselor.

Required Readings to Complete the assignment are listed below

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  • Course Text: Wetchler, J. L., & Hecker, L. L., & (Eds.). (2015). An introduction to marriage and family therapy. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    • Chapter 2, “General Systems Theory, Cybernetics, and Family Therapy” (pp. 43-64)
    • Chapter 10, “Transgenerational Family Therapies” (pp. 319-356)
  • Course Text:Thomlison, B. (2016). Family assessment handbook: An introduction (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 3, “The Family System”
    • Chapter 6, “Older Adults, Families, and Life Stressors”
    • Chapter 4, “Core Tasks of Family Assessment”
  • Article: Boss, P. G. (1980). Normative family stress: Family boundary changes across the life-span. Family Relations, 29(4), 445–450. Retrieved from the SocINDEX with Full Text database. (AN 4709049)
  • Article: Barnhill, L. R. (1979). Healthy family systems. The Family Coordinator, 28(1), 94-100. Retrieved from the SocINDEX with Full Text database. (AN 4698199)

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