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What are some current innovations in textiles (natural or synthetic) and possible ones in the future? Describe at least one innovation.

1.) What are some current innovations in textiles (natural or synthetic) and possible ones in the future? Describe at least one innovation. You can refer to, just include a link to your internet sources. Ideally, what kind of innovations would you like to see in textiles and fashion? Describe at least one innovation that you would like to see. Think about differences in style, color, texture, sustainability, or some other considerations. What about clothes that change color under different lighting sources, temperature adaptability, or maybe glow in the dark? Use your imagination! Would they be made from known fibers or something new? Would you take inspiration from nature? 2.) “Fast fashion” has become an important consideration in sustainability. Do you think it is important to consider the life cycle of a textile or its method of production? How would you address one or more of these issues? We are looking for your opinion, but if you draw on ideas from the internet, please include links to your source or sources.

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