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Written Assignment on Contemporary Issues in Contracts

Must be original work – Written Assignment will be screened through TurnitIn
Written Assignment on “Contemporary Issues in Contracts”
• Report Topic Assignment
Write your own paper regarding the “Contemporary Issues in Contracts” as set forth below.
Discuss the enforceability of oral versus written contract. Which form of contract
is more attractive and practical for the business community? Why?
• Guidance
a. Must use footnotes
b. Each paper must be a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of three
(3) pages, double spaced
c. Written in 12-point Arial font
d. Each paper must include a Bibliography setting forth a minimum of two
(2) and a maximum of four (4) resources (other than the text) utilized in
the drafting of the paper.
• Grading Criteria for Written Assignment
o Understanding of Subject Matter- How effectively and
comprehensively the student demonstrates their understanding of the
subject matter, its relationship to the business community, issues
posed, and her analysis of those issues.
o Effectiveness of Research – As evidenced by the Bibliography of
sources utilized to draft the paper. Your paper should be three (3) to
four(4) pages long, 12 point Arial, with footnotes, and a complete Bibliography.
o Evaluation of all Interest-Have you considered the problem from
all perspectives?
o Addressing the Scope of the Solution- Have you considered as
many of the intended and unintended consequences as possible?
o Articulation- Have you said what you mean in a clear and concise
manner? You are writing this “memo” either as the ultimate policymaker
or as guidance to the ultimate decision-maker so make it clear, concise,
well- reasoned, supportable, and, ultimately, effective.

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