How many unzipped fastq (.fq or .fastq) files are in the directory
How many unzipped fastq (.fq or .fastq) files are in the directory
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2. The output of trimming software will also be a fastq file (or multiple fastq files) (True/False)
3. Which option is specified to run trimmomatic on paired-end sequence data?
4. What will happen if you execute the command:
fastqc -h
fastqc will run default options
fastqc will fail and print an error message because you haven’t specified a fastq file for it to run on
fastqc will output the help file and exit
5. Which of the following can be used to transfer files between a local computer and a high-performance computing cluster?
6. Which command will enable you to run fastqc on the cluster?
module avail fastqc
module load fastc
module avail fastqc/0.11.7
module load fastqc – 0.11.9-gcc-12.1.0
7. Are the fastq files found in:
single end or paired end?
8. For the following execution, what is the window size for trimming this single end read
with trimmomatic?
trimmomatic SE illumina.fq illumina.trim.fq SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30
A. we cannot conclude the window size from this execution
B. there is a randomized window size each time the execution is run
C. 4 base pairs
D. 30 base pairs
E. none of the above answer
9. What is the flag you need to use to output the report file from fastqc to a particular
10. You can view the output of fastqc directly in the shell terminal on the cluster. (True/False)
11. We are working with the fastq files in this directory:
Generate a fastqc report for each fastq file in that directory.
Look at the “Per base sequence quality” file and compare them, then choose the correct
answers below.
The mean quality of the illumina reads is higher than those of iontorrent, which are both
higher than minion and pacbio
For all fastqc reports, you can see the exact quality of the first 9 bases, then the rest of the
quality scores are binned
You can see the mean quality of every single base across all reads
The binning of base quality scores is the same (e.g., bins have the same number of bases
in them) for all technologies
. You can view the output of fastqc directly in the shell terminal on the cluster. (True/False)
11. We are working with the fastq files in this directory:
Generate a fastqc report for each fastq file in that directory.
Look at the “Per base sequence quality” file and compare them, then choose the correct
answers below.
The mean quality of the illumina reads is higher than those of iontorrent, which are both
higher than minion and pacbio
For all fastqc reports, you can see the exact quality of the first 9 bases, then the rest of the
quality scores are binned
You can see the mean quality of every single base across all reads
The binning of base quality scores is the same (e.g., bins have the same number of bases
in them) for all technologies
There are BLANK records/reads/sequences in
The illumina sequence length (or interval) as listed in the fastqc report is:
The iontorrent sequence length (or interval) as listed in the fastqc report is:
The minion sequence length (or interval) as listed in the fastqc report is:
The pacbio sequence length (or interval) as listed in the fastqc report is:
13. Run trimmomatic on all fastq files in:
Use default trimming parameters for these single-end sequencing files, with the options
being a sliding window of 4, with minimum phred quality of 30.
HINT: Trimmomatic uses the first few thousand reads to guess the Phred encoding of the
file, looking for unique characters from the Phred+33 or Phred+64 set. If it can’t find,
trimmomatic will give you an error:
Error: Unable to detect quality encoding
If you are getting an error on any of your runs, you can specify the encoding (Phred+33)
via the command line with the flag:
For each of these files, please report the total surviving reads and total dropped reads
(not the percentages):